Case Study: Client #3

Automotive Part Application

A powder metal manufacturer needed to fill capacity on an idle press.

Stage 1: Exploration

PMT was working with an account as part of a separate project. During discussions with this account, PMT became privy to a collection of metal parts that, due to size and geometry, would fill idle press capacity at a client’s facility. It connected the powder metal manufacturer with the account and opened communication. The account ended up showing PMT and the manufacturer a whole range of parts that it wanted to cost-reduce. Many of the parts were potential fits for the idle press.

Stage 2: Prospecting

PMT, working closely with the manufacturer, identified two specific parts, which interface in a small assembly, as being perfect fits.

Stage 3: Mining

PMT plotted out a path to serial production including part development, testing, and production tool orders.


If the final round of testing produces the expected results, the manufacturer will go into serial production, leading to an increase in sales of $900,000 a year. Equally important, the manufacturer will be engaging a press at full capacity and producing a single part in high volume with full automation.

Are you interested in how PMT helped other powder metal manufacturers bring in new customers, solve powder metallurgy business challenges, and increase sales? Read more case studies here. Or return to the Gallery.