Stage 3: Mining
How Do We Successfully Guide You Into Serial Production?
Stage 3 of the FLOW Strategic Sales System™ takes place once the target customer, application, and custom metal part and/or assembly program is identified. It is the most difficult and nuanced step, and it typically takes about a year until start of production. This is where we at PMT really shine.
This stage involves:
• Aligning the stakeholders, bringing the customer’s engineering, quality control, purchasing, logistics, and management onto the same page. We ask the right questions of all the stakeholders so we can address concerns and build consensus.
• Organizing and attending account audits of your manufacturing facility.
• Prototyping qualification and production tool orders.
• Preparing materials and giving technology, manufacturing, and quality seminars to customer management and other stakeholders.
• Managing, in parallel, the sales process and the finalizing of technical development.
• Making sure communication, common language, and common messaging flow between all the customer departments and stakeholders.
• Focusing on creative deal-making and part-pricing negotiations, using proven communications techniques. PMT ensures the account considers not only dollars but also quality, delivery, engineering expertise, and long-term relationships.
• Working with you to ensure access to capital and a timely return on investment.
• Negotiating with customers as required, including long-term agreements and memoranda of understanding (MOUs).
• Closing multiyear, multimillion-dollar, high-volume supplier contracts that are highly profitable.
• Managing and protecting your accounts to keep competitors out of the equation.